Supplements for Women Over 40: A Health Guide August 26, 2024Kirsty Strowger So, you’ve hit your fabulous 40s, and with it comes a new chapter in your wellness journey. As your body’s needs evolve, ensuring you’re getting the right nutrients becomes more...
Understanding Vaginal Atrophy: A Natural Approach to Women's Health August 12, 2024Kirsty Strowger Vaginal atrophy, a common but often overlooked condition affecting many women during menopause, can significantly impact quality of life with symptoms ranging from dryness and discomfort to painful intercourse. While...
Is Your Doctor Supporting You Through Menopause? July 29, 2024Kirsty Strowger Are you wondering if your doctor is giving you the support you need during menopause? You're not alone. Many women find themselves navigating this significant life change with little guidance...
Why Do Women Choose Natural Therapies Over HRT? July 26, 2024Kirsty Strowger Many women are choosing natural therapies over Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for managing menopause symptoms due to concerns about the risks and side effects of HRT. Natural alternatives are seen...
Curcumin: A Natural Relief for Perimenopause July 08, 2024Kirsty Strowger Going through perimenopause can feel like riding a hormonal rollercoaster, with hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, and thinning bones all part of the experience. While hormone replacement therapy (HRT)...
How to Improve Your Sleep During Menopause July 04, 2024Kirsty Strowger Night sweats, hot flushes, and anxiety – these unwelcome companions can disrupt your sleep during menopause. But fear not! Understanding the hormonal changes behind these issues and adopting natural remedies...
How Turmeric Supports Women's Health: 5 Key Benefits June 27, 2024Kirsty Strowger Discover the top 5 benefits of turmeric for women's health, from balancing hormones and supporting an active lifestyle to enhancing skin health and easing menstrual discomfort. Learn practical ways to...
Unlock Weight Loss with These 6 Underrated Compounds June 17, 2024Kirsty Strowger Discover how to achieve Weight Loss with These 6 Underrated Compounds. From boosting metabolism to managing cravings, explore how these ingredients can help enhance your weight loss journey
How to Avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder May 29, 2024Kirsty Strowger Feeling sluggish as winter approaches? You might have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression linked to reduced sunlight. This blog dives into SAD, exploring symptoms, causes, and solutions...
6 High Fibre Snacks for Women May 15, 2024Kirsty Strowger Fibre is a crucial part of your daily diet in order to promote digestive health, help to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of various diseases. For women, including...
Rare Menopausal Symptoms: Every Woman Should Know About April 24, 2024Francis Dela Cerna Menopause brings well-known symptoms like hot flushes and mood swings, but it can also include rare menopausal symptoms such as dry mouth, itchy skin, dizziness, joint pain, and changes in...
Burnout: 7 Common Warning Signs to Look Out For April 10, 2024Kirsty Strowger In today’s fast-paced world, the lines between work and personal time often blur, leaving many of us feeling perpetually exhausted and stressed. This chronic state of stress can lead to...
Why Am I Always Tired? Exploring the Root Causes of Fatigue March 27, 2024Francis Dela Cerna Feeling perpetually tired despite getting adequate sleep can be perplexing and hinder your daily activities. Often, the root causes of fatigue are multifaceted, ranging from lifestyle choices to underlying health...
Not a Breakfast Person? Here's Why You Should Be December 11, 2023Kirsty Strowger Breakfast has long been touted as the most important meal of the day. But what happens when you skip it? It turns out, the consequences extend far beyond just feeling...
The Complete Guide to Collagen: Science, Benefits, and Sources November 23, 2023Kirsty Strowger Collagen, a naturally occurring structural protein, serves as a foundational element in the realm of health and beauty, particularly for women's wellness. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits of collagen, the...
Unlocking Weight Loss Success: Berberine and Intermittent Fasting November 16, 2023Kirsty Strowger In the quest for effective and sustainable weight loss, individuals are continually seeking strategies that not only shed pounds but also promote overall health and well-being. Two approaches that have...
Greens Powders: Are They Essential for Your Health Regimen? September 26, 2023Kirsty Strowger In today's fast-paced world, maintaining optimal health can be a daunting task. Concentrated organic greens powders offer an array of essential nutrients like kale, spinach, spirulina, and chlorella. These green superfood...
Menopausal Hair Loss: Causes, Myths, and Natural Treatments September 21, 2023Kirsty Strowger Are you suddenly finding more strands in your hairbrush? Menopausal hair loss is a real, often overlooked symptom during this transitional phase of life. This blog will shed light on...
Am I Going Through Menopause? August 29, 2023Kirsty Strowger Have you been noticing changes in your body or mood and wondering what's going on? Have your friends been talking about menopause, leaving you curious if you might be on...
Why Sleep is Essential for Women's Health at Every Age August 07, 2023Kirsty Strowger If people could truly grasp the profound impact of sleep on every aspect of their lives and overall well-being, perhaps more individuals would pay closer attention. From wellbeing to cognitive...
Understanding Menopause and its Impact on Women in the Workplace July 13, 2023Kirsty Strowger Menopause, a natural phase in a woman's life, brings about various hormonal changes that can significantly impact their well-being and productivity in the workplace. Symptoms such as hot flushes, brain...
How long do natural supplements take to work? June 14, 2023Mona Hecke Natural supplements have gained substantial attention in recent years as an alternative or adjunct to synthetic medications, but is it practical to expect a miracle? These supplements, which often include...
Pills vs Liquids - Which form of supplement is best? April 26, 2023Mona Hecke There are many reasons why people prefer tablets or liquids as supplements, but which form is the best absorbed and which one will give you the best results? When it...
What's so funny about Menopause? April 26, 2023Mona Hecke Menopause – it’s a time when women’s bodies go through significant changes, and not always for the better. From hot flushes to mood swings, it can be a rollercoaster ride...
Can your health benefit from the 'Doctrine of Signatures'? April 26, 2023Mona Hecke We’ve all heard that carrots are good for the eyes and walnuts are good for our brains, but did you know that the ‘doctrine of signatures’ in nature can potentially...
What does life look like after menopause? April 26, 2023Mona Hecke It’s easy to understand some women’s hesitation about what life will look like after menopause, especially when it’s been a rough trot with the symptoms many women experience during these...
Menopause, Bone Health & Osteoporosis April 04, 2023Mona Hecke Did you know that approximately 50% of women over 50 years old will experience an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime? Bone health is crucial leading into menopause as women are...
How Turmeric Can Help Manage Menopause Symptoms April 04, 2023Mona Hecke Turmeric is a spice that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, but did you know that in recent years, researchers have found...
Dance like no-one is watching! April 04, 2023Mona Hecke Dance has been part of rituals, celebrations, and ceremonies since the beginning of time. Dancing is a primal form of expression that allows us to flow and move and express...
What to Do When Your Hormones Are Out of Balance March 23, 2023Mona Hecke2 comments Hormones play a crucial role in maintaining the proper functioning of our bodies. They are chemical messengers that are produced by various glands and organs and are responsible for regulating...
Are you getting what you paid for? March 23, 2023Mona Hecke In today’s world, supplements have become an essential part of our daily lives. Whether it is to support our immune system, boost energy levels, improve digestion or alleviate symptoms associated...
Have you lost the motivation to try? March 09, 2023Mona Hecke As women go through menopause, they often experience a decline in their motivation to take care of their health. This can be due to a variety of factors, including hormonal...
The good, the bad and the ugly about antidepressants for menopause! February 23, 2023Mona Hecke Menopause is a natural process that marks the end of a woman’s productive years. And it can be a challenging time for many women. While menopause brings with it a...
How Often Should I Be Pooping? February 23, 2023Mona Hecke This may not be the most glamorous topic, but it is one of the most important. You would be surprised at the number of women who think going to the...
How to lose your menopause belly! February 10, 2023Mona Hecke Weight gain during menopause is one of the most common and frustrating problems that women face. During this time, the body experiences a natural decline in hormones such as estrogen...
When should I take my supplements? February 01, 2023Mona Hecke One of the most common mistakes people make is to take a handful of supplements all at the same time. You might think you are doing the right thing but...
How much protein should I eat every day? February 01, 2023Mona Hecke We are constantly being told about the importance of protein in our diet, but how much should we be eating with every meal, what are substitutes for vegetarians and why...
Is my period normal? January 25, 2023Mona Hecke The average menstrual cycle is 28 days; however this can vary anywhere from 21 to 35 days. What is important to know is that every woman’s cycle is different in...
Why Is My Skin Breaking Out? January 18, 2023Mona Hecke It’s a question often asked by teenagers but for some people it can last well into their twenties and it’s just as common among boys as it is girls. So...
Why Is Sexual Desire Reduced During Menopause? December 14, 2022Mona Hecke Wouldn’t it be grand if our sexual appetite remained constant throughout life? Sadly, that’s just not reality and the news gets even worse for many women going through menopause. It’s...
How Often Should I Go To The Doctor? December 14, 2022Mona Hecke There are two kinds of people; those who put off going to the doctor until they are so sick, they end up in hospital, and those who are completely paranoid...
Combat Iron Deficiency: Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods November 28, 2022Mona Hecke One of the most common reasons people go to see the doctor is that they are always tired. The first thing a doctor will do is send you off for...
IS MENSTRUATION MAGIC OR MAYHEM? November 14, 2022Mona Hecke For young girls, it can be an exciting time of their life with the anticipation of their first period, however the reality of cramps, abdominal discomfort and heavy flows can...
What Is The Best Way To Detox? November 07, 2022Mona Hecke The modern world would have us believe that a drastic ‘detox’ should be part of our health routine, but is a ‘detox’ really necessary and if it is, what is...
Menopause Treatment Options October 11, 2022Mona Hecke One of the most difficult decisions to make when experiencing menopause symptoms is whether to choose natural supplements vs hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There is a plethora of information on...
Is Excess Weight Getting You Down? August 24, 2022Mona Hecke Has another winter gone by where you swore you would get in shape in time for summer? Well, the winter solstice has been and gone and Spring is just around...
Is Stress Making You Sick? July 15, 2022Mona Hecke In a world where many things seem out of our control, there is a lot to be said for keeping our stress under control because of the impact it can...
20 Perimenopause Symptoms July 15, 2022Mona Hecke 20 Signs Perimenopause Symptoms Perimenopause marks the gradual transition from reproductive to non-reproductive years in a woman's life. While it typically begins in the mid-40s, some women may experience it earlier...