Can your health benefit from the 'Doctrine of Signatures'? April 26, 2023Mona Hecke We’ve all heard that carrots are good for the eyes and walnuts are good for our brains, but did you know that the ‘doctrine of signatures’ in nature can potentially...
Dance like no-one is watching! April 04, 2023Mona Hecke Dance has been part of rituals, celebrations, and ceremonies since the beginning of time. Dancing is a primal form of expression that allows us to flow and move and express...
What Are You Willing To Change? August 24, 2022Mona Hecke WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO CHANGE? We all know the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result! Why is it then...
Natural Sleep Remedy February 22, 2022Mona Hecke If people truly understood the power of sleep and its ability to affect all aspects of your life and health, then maybe more people would sit up and take notice....